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Hi! I am going to simply Outline how Tear characters are and how her characteristics are developed as the game progresses. 

Quick Description

Tear Grants is the granddaughter of Theodoro Grants and young sister to Vandesdelca Musto Fende ( Master Van). Surprisingly, Tear is a descendant of Yulia Jue proven by her ability to sing harmonically and elegantly, earning her the title Melodist. This means she can sing fonic hymns (spell generated by song) from 1st to 7th (Grand Fonic Hymn). 

Luke is her first adventure pal due to hyperresonance reaction (teleported to Tataroo valley), a  good friend to Natalia L.K Lanvaldear (LUZU-KIMLASCA LANVALDEAR), close to sister-like to Anise Tatlin, a partner-in-arms to Jade Curtiss, then student to Legretta the Quick a.k.a Giselle Oslo (mentor to Tear during her training as member of Oracle Knights).

In Battle

Tear is  a caster with staff, and she is good as support position with spell-based novice/base, medium, high arcane artes (F.ATK), so she is your favorite character if you only want to fight like bombers. Sadly, no physical artes are quite good for her face-to-face fight because her P.ATK is not that much to begin with EXCEPT FOR BANISHING SORROW & NOCTURNAL LIGHT. Plus, she is a pivotal healer (hard to exclude) + element invoker.

Early Game + Personality

TEAR is a STRICT soldier, objective, and intelligent to anyone in any situation as well as any critical conditions. Well, she can be apologetic for things she could have resolved, yet failed. her upbringing was full of trauma (regrettably) starting from losing both parents and home (isle of Hod) due to war between malkuth and kimlasca to having a world-destruction maniac brother. Aside from this, she is kinda shy type with fondness of cute things (cheagles & dolls) as well as baking. 

In serious mode, she is incredibly observant and responsive to her surroundings, making her ideal soldier in any battlefield (very mature type indeed)

In brief



TEAR found out more and more insane plans her brother intended which scarred her emotion deeply, but she  built closer and closer emotional relationship with her party members as well as make new best friends who will strengthen her resolution in stopping her brother.

She later decided to watch over Luke and become his mentor to help him open fon slots in his body as to control hyperresonance even better.   Her character of giving a second chance is truly admirable which sets her image as mature person next to Jade Curtiss or Guy Cecil. When she has to kill Legretta & Van, she displays a strong-at-heart attitude (NO REGRETS)!! This is the point where she grew liking (romance) to Luke when she found out in some chapters in the main plot that Luke (isofonic replica) would disappear after releasing Lorelei. After all, they both spent time together at night on Albiore before Final Battle against Eldrant ( Replica of Isle of Hod)

In my post here here, you can enjoy skits indicating Tear's characteristics progress;


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