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Hi! I am going to simply Outline how Anise characters are and how her characteristics are developed as the game progresses.

Quick description

Anise Tatlin (Daath origin) is the only child to Pamela and Oliver. Her childhood is not much of a story as she is merely a regular little kid. She appeared initially as a Fon Master Guardian and was accompained by Colonel Jade Curtiss. Her task is in charge of guarding ION (the head of Daath state as well as Order of Lorelei). Despite her young looks, she was already a grown-up child with wealth of insights over order of lorelei, six-god generals, economy. This is proven by her opinions in several topics on why god generals tried to kidnap ION and frequent Oracle Knights attacks.

Apparently, Anise spent most of her childhood training, studying, and serving for the Order of Lorelei, especially, the Order's military (Oracle Knights). Her parents were devoted members of Order of Lorelei much like church staffs. Her hard-work and grit appeared to bear fruition, leading her to be granted position of the second youngest Fon Master Guardian after Arietta was promoted to be part of Six God Generals, I assume.


Anise has always been temperamental, cheerful, and kinda spoiled as well as possessive. However, she always enjoyed doing adventure in any circumstances. What pleased Anise the most was lavish lifestyle, royalty, and tons of gold. Gotta say it was natural since she never had the chance to have some me-time from adventure to adventure in protecting Fon Master. 

I never had any idea why Fon Master Guardian always had to be a prodigy child, but I assumed this was done to establish more natural friendship relationship between  Guardian and Fon Master aside from professional ties, making her good childhood friend to Fon Master as well as his Adjutant. Despite this,  Fon Master Guardian was not actually close to Six God Generals as God Generals reported to the Commandant like Van or Mohs while Anise's mission giver was solely ION himself. Hence, no joint operations or any bonding activities.

In Battle

Anise is both fighter and caster, but her AGILITY is LOW (sorry she is not a tanker with high P. DEF). BUT, IF your liking is a hurting and fast caster, then she is the ONE although there are NO HEALING ARTES. Her basic attacks are using TOKUNAGA (HER DOLL) CLAWS, but the swings are slow.

 Anise compensated her slow move with medium casting time, so if you love combo your fonic attack, she is the best pick for high damage with novice-medium fonic arte to accompany Jade. Plus, her F  DEF is not that bad while her P. DEF is sufficient. 

Do Be CAREFUL when you want her to attack enemies with her doll claws as her swing has good range yet slow swing, so it is best use her doll claw-based arte for opening combo (rapid swing attacks, doll dive jump, multiple claw attacks). Very recommended to protect her while casting; otherwise, she will restart casting from zero.

Early Game

Anise is the most mature child whose style can be a mix of childish and mature, making her a wonder kid among others. I can say her dream is fame, wealth, good-looking boys. She can not stand the situation that puts ION in danger, but her preparedness always remains high. 

OH Yea, when ION tried to sneak outside from Mohs in order to avert war and relieve tensions between two nations, Anise always stayed by his side to make sure peace process was not disturbed regardless of the disturbance (such dedication she has!) although she knew she would have to fight soldiers from her own military branch.

She never deviated from her main mission despite being separated from other party members, and she always returned. Here, we can see genuine definition of GRIT.

In serious mode, she repulsed the idea of massive world cleansing initiated by the commandant (Van) because she firmly believed the path ION intended which is peace and faith in humanity. Also, her humanitarian characteristic was shown as she tried to save as many lives as possible during the tour of saving Akzeriuth, evacuating Engeve citizens from war, finding best solution to lower Outer Land safely.

In Brief

I ENJOY EXPENSIVE THINGS, GOOD-LOOKING BOYS, I WILL NEVER PUT ION IN DANGER, PROFIT HERE PROFIT THERE HEY! IT IS FREE REAL ESTATE, STAY OPTIMISTIC, AND DO NOT OVERWORK YOURSELF, I WANT THE EXPERIENCE OF BEING GROWN-UP LADY (gotta say she is deeply curious about tasting alcohol just like Jade did, having beautiful figure like Tear or Natalia, entering casino, experiencing what getting married felt like).


Anise was a resilient in any circumstances although she could be straightforward about blaming someone for any bad situation. As matter of fact, Anise, I believe, just wanted to kill Luke after Akzeriuth collapse, but this did not mean she was reluctant to give second chance while watching over someone trying to change like Luke's commitment (this is not motivated by her obsession on Luke's wealth or royalty stuff). The farther the story progressed, the more critical the situation got, making Anise reveal her hidden secret. 

SADLY, Anise parents were haunted by debts due to their naive characters as well as their too trusting principle just like ION, so Anise HAD TO SPY (not her specialty) for MOHS in order to disrupt peace process and free her family from debts; otherwise threats would follow. Even death of ION due to excessive stress of reading the seventh fonstone (planet score) was a critical hit to Anise. Knowing that ION was a replica, Anise still wanted him to live the fullest for all his years. 

When another replica of ION was created (named Florian, no memories at all,only perfect phyisical appearance), Anise saw herself a second chance to keep memory left by her beloved ION alive starting from providing Florian a bedroom, taking care of him, playing kids games with him, even protecting him from any future danger.

Her bond developed stronger than before with other party members as she finally could let go of some grief on ION's death although Anise could be a little bit traumatized when Sync (ION's replica) tried to mess with her.

Anise never stopped sharing her optimistic vibes despite the horrible degree of the situation. When Natalia had to end her biological father (Largo the Black Lion) because of their conflicting interests, Anise saw how devastated Natalia was. Then, she just encouraged Natalia to do what was right according to her, just be yourself, and never let your father background affect your life (you are you!), she also congratulated Natalia when she was accepted by her father as his own daughter when she managed to re-instate his belief in definition of family. Also, Anise happened to share her positive vibe with Dist the Rose as she saw him eating alone, making Anise the most generous person ever.

If you ever wonder why Anise and Arietta always fought. Well, Arietta simply wanted to have ION all for herself as she found ION was the best person she ever met and talked to while Anise just tried her best to keep ION safe. When Arietta was re-assigned to be part of God Generals, she just could not let go such strong feeling (even Arietta dared injure Anise's mom just to take ION by force). So, Anise here always took the scolding for everything in any situations to the extent that she was considered unworthy for ION (being reckless, careless, irrational), and Anise took it personally. If these two ever cooperated, it would be solely for the sake of ION's safety. 

Anise never actually meant what she said about mocking Arietta by calling her 'Gloomietta', but Arietta did often carry gloomy vibes (hurting, pain, fights) which disgusted Anise (Anise was all about positive vibes). Anise cared for Arietta actually, making her willing to accept duel challenge at Cheagle's Woods just to set Arietta free from her pain of being alone as well as losing ION. After this duel, Anise never regretted her decision of ending her life.

Anise was obsessed with Luke for his wealth and aristocrat title while Natalia and Anise were just regular travelling buddies although they had quarrel sometimes. A fellow soldier-in-arms to Tear (especially Oracle Knights members), close childhood friend & Guardian to ION (It is assumed that Anise fell in love for ION somehow). Guy, to Anise, was just a target for teasing his fear of women.


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