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 Today!! We'll continue to go over the profile for Kimlasca Lanvaldear as well as a hint of Eldrant's background.

Some captures I have here will give you all a hint on history, culture, fun facts about Kimlasca & Eldrant record

AHA! Now we know why and how Kimlasca is located between coast and land. The fallen fonstone created a crater that provided great depth to be explored and exploited as a foundation of building Kimlasca Kingdom. (You know now why there is need for elevator from ground to top level).

See what I told you ? the higher Kimlasca grew up the greater the need was for sustaining the environment, especially sunlight. Soon, fontech (fonic + technology) was discovered leading to massive FON MASSIVE REVOLUTION. AS A RESULT, various installations were set to enhance Kimlascan lives. In essence, this kingdom is the centre for all industrial sectors.

So mix: Fonons-imbued mechanical device (Fonic Technology), so if you want Fon Machines = any devices + Fontech. hmm a point to consider, Kimlasca has giant cannon blasters, great number of fleets, an OIL factory, elevators as well as cable cars. who knows how much time Kimlasca would have needed to reach convenient gun-discovery.

Kimlascan government already discovered public census system. WOW OH WOW! here you can see how many cities as well as people are under the rule of Kimlasca. Kaitzur is just a border crossing site similar to (U.S-MEXICO) border, I guess this is where inspiration for Kaitzur came from. Akzeriuth is a gigantic mining city laying between two kingdoms' domains. So, a region claim cold war, maybe ? see that (*) that shows how stubborn both sides over a region with rich mining resources. While Sheridan and Belkend are two cities popular with fontech and fon machineries development.

wLanvaldear apparently has strictly maintained the line of succession with physical appearance of red hair and green eyes be it Prince or Princess. whoa! how in the world such physical traits can be maintained for 6 generations !? but this Kingdom sure implies its strict principle in pure royal Kimlascan.

Thanks for reading!! Stay for more info!!


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