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this time I will cover in-depth profile about Malkuth Empire, SOO please do enjoy reading it!!

yep that's map location for Grand Chokmah the capital of Malkuth Empire

Okay so we are going to discuss the second faction which is the longtime rival of Kimlasca Kingdom called Malkuth Empire. This kingdom is entirely a representation of Atlantis City implying that Grand Chokmah, the floating capital of Malkuth Empire, FLOATS on sea. Its geographical location is not far different from Kimlasca as it is at the NORTHERN tip of a continent. The whole site theme is Blue Ocean which gives a cue that this Empire is strong in terms of Water Manipulation Architecture. 

AS YOU CAN SEE, there is not even a single machinery is seen or installed anywhere while port is available to to all disembarking ships. This Malkuth society found a way to build a dam or some sort of practical water distribution system for taking advantage of water flow in the Empire region (Archimedes Law put into practice YAY!). Apparently, they managed to innovate a method to purify water and maintain its purity for various uses (WOW! Infinite water resource).

Aside from that, you can directly notice that they are aware of natural environment importance which leads them to grow trees inside the city while the city water system is developed to irrigate all plants (SMART CITY MANAGEMENT!). IN RELATION TO THIS, you can notice the crest of Malkuth Empire which is based on MUSE logo (kinda smart huh! To imitate ancient Greek tradition).

Next, you will witness better scenery of Grand Chokmah directly from public park. Here is the access to the palace of Emperor Peony the Ninth, and feast your eyes with bright azure blue oceanic panorama of the floating capital with a hint of large aqueduct structures. As I recall, this the closest thing to be called as public quarter. 

FINALLY!! The grand palace of Grand Chokmah as you can notice the water walls and a spectacular rainbow behind the palace, those are controlled by FONIC ARTES, and I assume these are built not only for safety precaution from any attacks, but also for aesthetic architecture. BUT, this is not where nobles live because there are only military HQ and Grand Chokmah palace.

My best assumption is that this empire’s structure is inspired from Italy, for its aqueducts surround all over the empire as part of the most fundamental infrastructures to support and provide Malkuth citizens with rich water resource.

Here is the inside look of the palace itself which is fully decorated with tall pillars and stairs. I think they managed to discover electricity as well for interior lightings!  Next, the audience chamber’s wide space is similar to that of Baticul castle except this chamber is surrounded by waterfall walls which allow everyone absorb the atmosphere of calming waterfall as well as bright refracted light from outside (WOW, SMART DECOR! Natural lighting + flowing waterfall)

If we head straight to the door you saw in the main hall, this is what we will find (EMPEROR PEONY THE NINTH’S BEDROOM), being neat is not his specialty for he loves individual unrestricted freedom, and he LOVES rappigs so much. Umm…. Rappig is basically a pig with ears similar to those of rabbits, and this animal is introduced in Tales of Abyss as both cattle and pet and Emperor Peony the Ninth is attracted to the overload cuteness these adorable Rappigs emanate (GOTTA ADMIT THEY ARE CUTE THOUGH).

ABOUT THE EMPEROR: YES! THE NINTH in the line of Malkuth Empire successions, hmm this should mean that Malkuth is the oldest Empire in Eldrant for that era, but there had been many kingdoms present before Malkuth and Kimlasca existed. Well, these two rivalling kingdoms exist as a result of LONGGG wars among conflicting kingdoms that formed certain factions leading us to know only Malkuth and Kimlasca.

Peony the Ninth spent his childhood in Keterburg (an endless snowy region belonging to Malkuth Empire) until he grew up to the valid age of taking the responsibility as an Emperor ruling in Grand Chokmah, but we never even found out who his parents were ( I am not going to take assumptions). He has his own advisor or Prime Minister named Sesemann whose duty is to observe, negotiate, prepare options for considerations, then report everything to Peony. Then, Peony will just consider all options on table, make the decision, sign an agreement, impose policies or declare state of war (similar to Ingobert the Sixth). 

So far, he is represented as a neutral ruler with no ulterior motives nor any evil plans whatsoever about land acquisition, or even world domination while the same can be said to Ingobert. Being vigilant is still a normal attitude for both leaders, but they only care for one thing: PEOPLE’S PROSPERITY.

To the left side of the Grand Chokmah palace, there is a Malkuth HQ, where all Malkuth troops are stationed, trained, and given mission plus this is where Tartarus (LAND-SEA SHIP is kept) yup Malkuth Armada is the most flexible means of Military Transport in this world as it can both move on ground and float on water (the size is similar to battleships, but not even close to Mother Ship). From the excerpt above, we can conclude that Malkuth focuses on ground tunnel tactics for simple mobility of Tartarus let alone their troops. 


OH RIGHT ABOUT HQ! this place is designed to have a long and complex hall due to its similar color/path patterns in order to confuse enemies invading Malkuth (in case of emergency). There is also a war room where all high-ranking military staffs of Malkuth Empire will discuss strategies and situations on field supported with advanced mapping technologies, live video feed (whoa nice technology advancement on media here!) then results of the meeting will be forwarded to the Emperor. Sadly we can not see where Tartarus is stored due to off-limit areas. Yep, that is all info I can provide.



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