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Soo, I guess I already spoiled some profiles about this dang gigantic kingdom, and this time is for in-depth history you all want to know!!


SEE THAT GIGANTIC STRUCTURE ON THE BACKGROUND, YUP, THAT IS BATICUL! At the front gate you will be greeted with two guards and only need to proceed forward to enter Baticul if you travel by land. 

this city is apparently built with layered structure making the city construction look like standing on top of each other from groun quarter to the higher quarter. This gives me a reminder of Tower of Babel (kinda) for its structure manages to pierce sky above.

this is what I call city plaza although exploration is not as wide as you may expect like the next series, but you can see the royal crest of Kimlasca Lanvaldear which becomes the main focus on introducing how advanced this kingdom is. The society can be seen wearing royal garments indicating how prosperous the well-being of the society is, so a majority of Kimlascan is wealthy.

Well, there must always be a balance, right ? particularly for social class. We can see that this kid hopes nothing but safety to everyone living in lower/ground quarter of Kimlasca Kingdom. Behind this great Kingdom, thousands of lives work relentlessly to advance Kimlasca to the peak of its greatest industrial revolution indicating social class gap truly exists (labor workers & royals kinda deal). (see those giant pipes with great amount of steams ?)

the higher the structure of a city, the higher the need for convenient public transport is from ground quarter to high/royal quarter. Hence, an elevator is invented as primary means of transportation without bothering about far distance because the only option is to go up or down (NEAT, HUH!). This elevator even leads you to the castle DIRECTLY. if you look at picture above, this city happens to have CABLE CAR to transport anynone from right to left and other way around. I assume this Kingdom is still not yet 100% familiar to ECO-FRIENDLY TECHS.

Kimlasca also has its own harbor and FERRY SERVICE because its location is at the edge of the map bordering between land and coast. However, Kimlasca is extremely careful about any potential geographical weakness easy to exploit, so soldiers are stationed everywhere. OH! In this world, mass transportation already advanced to the invention of GIGANTIC FERRY. YUP! people can travel from one continent to another continent regardless of the distance with this FERRY, I assume they just use regular ticket purchasing system, but the technology is already eco-friendly. 

Surprisingly! Kimlasca managed to discover OIL, YES, the only resource that supports any industral aspects Kimlasca runs including Military technologies I assume. This OIL factory is apparently abandoned according to the plot, but we can observe that this factory had served not only as production factory but also as OIL-processing rig.

GUNS, GUNS, GUNS! Kimlasca succeded in improving its home defense security system to the next level, FONIC CANNONS (CANNONS IMBUED WITH FONONS, SO ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE, YET LETHAL). Fontech Blaster II apparently became the next gen to pricey Blaster I, Kimlasca can always have higher ground on both ground invasion and air raid due to its high artillery support. Hence, all they need to care about is mobilizing troops on  ground and on the sea.

Military conference is held in the same level with cannons above for practical strategy commanding, I assume. Here, high ranking military staffs will discuss overall military status of Kimlasca whether defense system should be renewed, stationed troops should be relocated, new worst scenario for potential war should be made or not.

Here we are!! Royal Quarter where guards and soldiers are everywhere to guard the castle. here is where Nobles live as well as the King and the Princess. the access to this Kingdom is only limited to two elevators (WEST AND EAST). the structure of the castle is just like cathedral, I think, for it has tall and impregnable appearance. the right side of the castle is supposed to be a complex of nobles' houses while the left side is Luke's manor.

YESSS! MAIDS BOW DOWN TO YOU FOR THE YOUNG MASTER OF THE MANOR IS BACK!! this is where Duke Fabre, Susanne Fabre, and Luke Fon Fabre live. Duke married the King's sister (Susanne) then Duke has a vital role to support Kimlasca Lanvaldear political stance kinda like Political Marriage huh! sure Kimlasca is not one individual Kingdom, and it initally consisted of various small kingdoms that united to be Kimlasca Lanvaldear.

King Ingobert the Sixth, WOW THAT MEANS KIMLASCA HAS BEEN STANDING FOR SIX GENERATIONS STRAIGHT!! He has an advisor, acting as his Prime Minister called Alpine. King has the absolute right for any decisions and decrees including trade policies, war declaration, truce, diplomatic agreement, public policies. A prime minister only observed, evaluated, reported situations to the King then showed possible options for the King to take. Ah yea about the interior structure, two giant guardian statues that show the strength of Kimlasca Lanvaldear accompanied with bright natural lighting from round glass-transparent hall making the audience chamber look elegant and fairy-like. 



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