DAATH PROFILE Hi Fellow tales fans! today's info will be about Daath profile, this post is gonna be quite long than usual because this place has much to discuss! Soo, Daath is just like Vatican imitation to begin with due to its iconic theme (religion, independent state, pilgrimage). this place has only one gigantic cathedral for all uses (military base, fon master room, church member rooms, storage, audience hall & so on). for every corner, there will be pilgrimage spots where pilgrims can study history & origin story of how the Order of Lorelei was formed and what principles Order of Lorelei upholds. Order of Lorelei has its own military called Oracle Knights, and these knights are special force that is carefully chosen by high-ranking Daath officials (Grand Maestro or Fon Master). not only do these Knights protect Daath from unwanted incidents, they also guard Fon Master or Grand Maestro on emissary duty. their HQ is, surprisingly, incredibly spa...
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