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Tales Of the Abyss: 4 Consumable Items pt.1

 Tales Of the Abyss: 4 Consumbale Items pt.1

Hello Guys! I am back again with more discussion about Tales of the Abyss! Especially Consumable items in battle!! 

Certainly, all of you Tales series enthusiasts are familiar with consumable items available during combat session. So, Today's discussion is about four main consumable items you will be always familiar with for good regsrdless of whichever Tales series installments you play.

Are Consumable Items instant life saver ? 

Having consumable items is pivotal to boost your battle performance in terms of Health Points, Technical Points, Revival etc. Although the use of items is reliable, you will have to time your critical condition and cooldown duration as to save yourself or other party members in time. Otherwise, you will waste your items and time only to get KO'd by enemies.

Why do you mention only four ? 

Well, these four are mainly what you need to pay attention to when your battle is starting to turn towards your enemies' favour. Let's say a healer begins to reach half of his/her TP, support caster continuous casting depletes the TP faster than you thought. Especially, your vanguard fighters need more than just basic hits to counter attack enemies attacks with good finishing blow.

How many consumable items can be carried ? 

The standard rule for carrying items that are consumable during battle will always be 16. Come to think of it, I assume it will be kinda redundant to carry up to 99. However, you can still carry up to 32 consumable items bearing same effect (Apple Gel + Lemon Gel). Sadly, not all items can be hacked this way.

Apple Gel

Apple Gel is the very earliest consumable item that you will encounter during early gameplay. Plus, it is not bad to have one or two Apple Gels during Hard or Unknown mode. 

 The effect offered by Apple Gel is 30% restoration of your Max HP, which is cool if you need full heal in a snap. 30% HP restoration for early game is more than enough, I think. This is because your HP will not be high, but your enemy HP is. After getting hit twice until four times by Hard or Unknown enemies will definitely leave you to two choices between healing arte or Apple Gel.

Orange Gel 

The first rule with items giving you 30% restoration property is DO NOT MIX THEM. You can accidentally switch Orange Gel and Apple Gel for the same 30%. For 30% of TP restoration, This gel is certainly handy for early and massive use of artes. 

If you are an avid arte combo strikers / casters, then stocking Orange Gel is the most essential thing to do. Casually, for Early Game, you can easily use basic hits more then use one arte as finishing blow. This is done as to compensate the spent number of TP.

Lemon Gel 

What I can recommend using this kind of gel is deeply critical situation e.g post-Mystic Artes damage, post-bosses combo hit. This gel is what you should heed when game begins to climb to Mid-End Game. 

Bosses will be numerous and brutal. As a result, you need to prepare not only practical tactics, but also many restorative gels. Especially, when you have to deal with one overpowered boss e.g Sword Dancer 1 - 3. With 60% restoration, you will definitely stand at least slightly higher chance to keep up with Hard or Unknown Six God Generals.

Pineapple Gel 

This gel is truly an elixir for those of you who are again arte combo fighters / casters. With 60% TP restoration, you definitely are ready to unleash as many four arte combos as you desire. 

Healers can even cast greater Healing artes with wider Area of Effect, and the same goes for support casters. I mean it is way better lose some items than a party member, right ? 

 Pineapple Gel, however, is not necessarily a primary item anymore until you unlock some AD skills that help you conserve spent Technical Points on your MID-END Game, So there is no need to worry about constant re-stocking.

Thanks for reading my tips and info on the topic of 4 main consumable items during battle!!!

I will make sure to write more what I know about Tales of the Abyss series gameplay based on my very own personal experience. So, stay for more tips and info from me!!


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